Descargar Notes on the Synthesis of Form (Harvard Paperbacks) de Christopher Alexander libros ebooks
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Notes on the Synthesis of Form (Harvard Paperbacks) de Christopher Alexander
Descripción - Críticas Christopher Alexander has outlined an ambitious proposal that could revolutionize the approach to architectural design...His method cannot help but become 'a very powerful tool indeed' for those who would deal with projects of the complex present and the growing complexity of the future. Progressive Architecture The success or failure of the designed environment will remain, as always, a human responsibility...Alexander's assertions are not only challenging and stimulating but informative. American Institute of Architects Journal One of the most important contemporary books about the art of design, what it is, and how to go about it. Industrial Design An important book for the urban designer and planner... stimulating and certainly controversial...It may one day prove to be a landmark in design methodology. Journal of the American Institute of Planners Reseña del editor 'These notes are about the process of design: the process of inventing things which display new physical order, organization, form, in response to function.' This book, opening with these words, presents an entirely new theory of the process of design. In the first part of the book, Christopher Alexander discusses the process by which a form is adapted to the context of human needs and demands that has called it into being. He shows that such an adaptive process will be successful only if it proceeds piecemeal instead of all at once. It is for this reason that forms from traditional un-self-conscious cultures, molded not by designers but by the slow pattern of changes within tradition, are so beautifully organized and adapted. When the designer, in our own self-conscious culture, is called on to create a form that is adapted to its context he is unsuccessful, because the preconceived categories out of which he builds his picture of the problem do not correspond to the inherent components of the problem, and therefore lead only to the arbitrariness, willfulness, and lack of understanding which plague the design of modern buildings and modern cities. In the second part, Mr. Alexander presents a method by which the designer may bring his full creative imagination into play, and yet avoid the traps of irrelevant preconception. He shows that, whenever a problem is stated, it is possible to ignore existing concepts and to create new concepts, out of the structure of the problem itself, which do correspond correctly to what he calls the subsystems of the adaptive process. By treating each of these subsystems as a separate subproblem, the designer can translate the new concepts into form. The form, because of the process, will be well-adapted to its context, non-arbitrary, and correct. The mathematics underlying this method, based mainly on set theory, is fully developed in a long appendix. Another appendix demonstrates the application of the method to the design of an Indian village.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Notes on the Synthesis of Form (Harvard Paperbacks)
- Autor: Christopher Alexander
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Arquitectura
- Tamaño del archivo: 11 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Descargada: 412 times
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
Descarga Notes on the Synthesis of Form (Harvard Paperbacks) de Christopher Alexander Libro PDF
Notes on the Synthesis of Form - Harvard University Press ~ 'These notes are about the process of design: the process of inventing things which display new physical order, organization, form, in response to function.' This book, opening with these words, presents an entirely new theory on the process of design.
Notes on the Synthesis of Form (Harvard Paperbacks ~ Notes on the Synthesis of Form (Harvard Paperbacks) (Paperback) By Christopher Alexander. Harvard University Press, 9780674627512, 224pp. Publication Date: January 1, 1964
Notes on the Synthesis of Form (Harvard Paperbacks ~ Notes on Synthesis and Form are the foundation for Alexander's work on design patterns. This is the must read book before spending time on these other works. For the practioner, this book provides a powerful and applicable framework for addressing problems in multiple disciplines.
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Alexander, C: Notes on the Synthesis of Form Harvard ~ Notes on Synthesis and Form are the foundation for Alexander's work on design patterns. This is the must read book before spending time on these other works. For the practioner, this book provides a powerful and applicable framework for addressing problems in multiple disciplines.
9780674627512: Notes on the Synthesis of Form - AbeBooks ~ Notes on the Synthesis of Form de Alexander, C sur AbeBooks - ISBN 10 : 0674627512 - ISBN 13 : 9780674627512 - Harvard University Press - 1974 - Couverture souple
Notes on the Synthesis of Form Harvard Paperbacks: ~ Notes on Synthesis and Form are the foundation for Alexander's work on design patterns. This is the must read book before spending time on these other works. For the practioner, this book provides a powerful and applicable framework for addressing problems in multiple disciplines. Read more.
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